Adventure Super Frost Read online

uper Frost By D F Pierce

  Copyright 2012 D F Pierce

  Super Frost

  It has snowed 12 inches a day for 3 days finally on this 7th day of 2012 it is cold out and the skies are clear. The Knuckle family children 2 grils and 2 boys are out in front of there home. Megan the oldest 14 years Jade 12 years and the boys Wyatt 9 and Colton 7 are rolling up snowballs and having a family snow ball war. Soon tiring of this snowball war they try there snowman creations making the first snowperson about 6 foot tall with 2 pinecones at the bottom for feet. 2 twigs made the arms with an old pair of green gloves for hands. The middle section had 7 walnuts up the middle they looked like buttons.The eyes on the the third section are made of 2 peaces of charcoal the nose was a red pepper and the mouth was a pease of wood that was arched and it looked like it was smiling. The kids named this snowman Mr. Frost. Then built another a little shorter almost the same the face was a little diffrant the nose was a small carrot the eyes where 2 small blue balls and the mouth was a small pease of old blue garden hose and the gloves where pink. The kids said meet Mrs. Frost. The third was much shorter it stood about 4 feet tale designed almost the same as Mr. Frost. 5 walnuts on the mid section and red cotton gloves the kids said must be a boy we will call him Frost Jr. and Colton said hey lets call him him Wyatt laughing. Jade said wait a minute and left in a hurry saying I will be right back. Jade was not kidding she was back in short order running and carrying a cape a bright red cape. Jade draped the cape on the little snowpersons back and all 4 kids said Super Frost and started laughing and ran in the house to get there mother Jaime. They are so excited about the Frost family they have built all yelling mom come quick come see our Frost snowperson family we built. There mother Jaime said slow down you are all yelling at the same time. Megan what is you 4 would like there mother Jaime asked. Mom we made a snowperson family and named them the Frost family they are so cool would you come and see them. Yes I will lets go and see them right now.

  Jaime and the 4 kids went out the front door and over to the slope next to the garage there was the Frost family

  Jaime praised here 4 kids on what a great job they have done with this snow family that you call the Frost family They are so good kids I think we will leave them here all winter long. The 4 kids said yes mom we will and gave there mother a hug and all went back in there home.

  The next morning the first one outside was Megan looking down the hill out front to the street below Megan slowly walked down the hill reashing the bottom of the driveway Megan turned and looks back up at there creations the Frost Family.

  Megan is pleased with the Frost family that her brothers and sister and she made but something is missing. Megan goes back up the hill and in the house going straight to the hall closet and pulls out a box with old scarf’s in it she finds 2 she likes 1 green and 1 yellow putting the box back in the closet and going back outside and puts the green scraf on Mr Frost and the yellow scarf on Mrs. Frost.

  Megan goes down the hill again and looks back up at the Frost family she and her siblings built and thought perfect they are perfect now. Wyatt and Colton with there sleds came out of the garage and started sleding down the hill in front of there home Megan went back in the house. Wyatt and Colton would sled down the little hill in front of there home for hours at a time sometime all day long. Some times there sisters would join them and push them and then all of them would race back to the bottom of the hill. Sometimes this would go on all day long on Saturdays the only time they would stop playing was when there mother Jaime called them in for lunch or latter for dinner.and when the weather turned bad.

  Sunday morning and the Knuckle family is ready and leave for church. After church and back at the knuckle home the boy’s grab there sleds and play on the little hill out front and latter have a snowball snowbowl football game. Sometimes the whole family would play in the snowbowl game. But mostly the girls would stay in the house in there bedroom in front of there mirror’s learning how to put makeup on and how to do there hair in many diffrant styles and girls loved doing this learning how to be gorgeous.

  Monday it was back to school and many of the kids at school told the Knuckle kids the snowman family they built was the coolest snow family in town. That afternoon when the school bus stopped in front of the the Knuckle family home the kids on the bus said hey look the snowman are in diffrant places now. Looks like they have been playing a boy said.Getting off the school bus Colton, Jade, Wyatt, and Megan all look up the little hill at there yard and sure enough the Frost family had moved. Super Frost was now in the middle and it looked like the Frost family was holding hands. The 4 knuckle kids ran up and in the house yelling mom cool move we like what you did mom. Jaime said cool move what are you guys talking about. Come on mom Jade said you know the Frsot family out front you moved them. No, I did not move the Frost snow family or anything else outside today I have been in the house all day. Megan yah right mom we get it, still it is cool mom. This is all that is mentioned about the Frost family being moved and the knuckle kids do as they do heach day after school there home work and then a snack. All 4 go out front to sled down the hill and play. Soon it is getting colder and the wind is picking up and it begins to snow pretty hard so the kids go in there home out of the cold wind and snow.All 4 kids sit on the floor in the living room in front of the fire place where a warm fire was always there in the winter getting warm and Wyatt said hey lets play the game candy land to his brother and sisters. So they played candy land right up until it was time for there dinner. After dinner the kids all take turns taking shower or bath and getting ready for bed. There father comes home late from work because the storm knocked down a few power lines and he was part of the power company crew that fixed downed power lines. The kids all gave there father a love and there mother said I will heat up your dinner you go and wash up honey. There father said nice job kid how did you manage to move your snow family. We did not move the snow family mom move them. I told you kids I have not been out side all day there mother replied. There father smiled and winked at the kids and said sure babe and goes to wash up. When there father retures from washing up there mother said tell your father good night and go get in bed I will be right in. Good noight Dad the 4 kids said and giving him a hug and kiss and head for there beds. It was not long and there mother Jaime was in there rooms tucking them in and saying angels on your pillows giving theme each a love kiss on there heads leaving there bedrooms and turning the lights out.

  It snowed 14 inches late yesterday and last night but no snow days for this town, they have never missed school because of snow fall in any amout. The Knuckle kids are ready for school and the school bus is out front a little early this morning and sounds its horn to let the knuckle kids know it was out front. The kids hurry out and down the little hill and get on the school bus the windows are fogged up on the school bus and knowone can see out the windows.

  After school the school bus stops and lets the knuckle kids off in front of there home like each school day of the year. Megan Jade Wyatt and Colton are looking up at there yard and snow family and there are pathes in the snow on the little hill in front of there home somebody had been sleading and again the Frost family was in completely diffrant places again. And a freshly packed trail in front each of the Frost family member that went to the bottomof the little hill.Megan said what the heck is going on here. Jade said mom must have moved them but how did she do this without leaving foot prints in the snow. Well Megan said sis brothers lets go and ask mom how she did this. Running up and stopping to nock the snow and ice from there snow boots the best they can. Then entering there home yelling Mom,Mom. What is it there mother said why are you all so excited and yelling. Mom how did you move our frost family and make those trails down the hill
without leaving a single foot track anywhere. I did no such thing kids I have beeen in the house all day reading my book Fingers and Toes books. Someone else must have moved your snow family. Oh the kids say they did this trick without leaving any tracks we will figure it out.Goood that will give you kids smothing to do just as soon as you finish your homework and snack. Ok Mom we will figure out who did this trick.

  Wyatt is done with his home work first and wants Colton to come out front to sled with him. Colton finishes his home work and the 2 boys go out to sled.soon Colton said hey Wyatt did you here that? No I can’t here anything. There it is again it said can I play with you guys. Wyatt said who said that. I said that Supr Frost moved turning toward them, well what do you say Wyatt and Colton I will push you back up the hill and we can all race down the hill. Wyatt and Colton just look at Super Frost not saying a word. Super Frost said well what do you say what is your answer boys play or not. The brothers looked at each other smile and turn to Super Frost and say lets play.

  Now this snowkid is playing with Wyatt and Colton sleading down the little hill and pushing the brothers back up the hill and all 3 are laughing and racing down that little hill. Super Fosrt pushes the boys up the hill almost like super Frost is floting and with ease and the laughing continues.

  The front door opens and Super Frost freezes. Megan and Jade come out front to play looking at there little brothers and Super Frost. Megan said you boys should not move Super Frost you will probably will break him apart. No chance of that happening sis Super Frost is alive and playing with us. Yah right Jade said you 2 are making things up again. Sis really he is alive Super Frost is alive. Show them Super Frost show them please talk to our sisters.But nothing not a sound could be heard from the snowperson Super Frost. Sis we are telling you he will talk to you wait you will see. Not a pep from Super Frost or a movment of any kind he is frozen solid. Megan said put him back with his family and we well sled with you boys The boys did as there sister ask all the time talking to Super Frost saying please talk Super Frost we heard you and saw you plating with us. Still nothing the little snowperson Super Frost was cold now not like when they where playing. Nothing more being mentioned about the little snowperson Super Frost moving and talking by himself.

  The brothers Wyatt and Colton soon learned Super Frost would only talk to them and when no other people where around. They all playe for the next few months and only Wyatt and Colton new Super Frost was alive.

  Wyatt said hey Super Frost I sure am going to miss you when you melt this spring. I will not melt Wyatt my father said I am special and that he and mom would melt and they would not be back until maybe next year. My father also said he was not sure why I am special however that I am and time would tell why and what my needs would be for the world. My father also said that you and your family built me and because you are special I am special to. Colton said that is cool and oh yah a kid at school gave me a hat for you super Frost it is in my back pack I will go and get it. Colton shows the hat to Super Frost and Wyatt both say it is cool . Super Frost said put it on me Colton so you guys can be first to see it on me.

  Well Colton and Wyatt how does my new hat look? It looks Super cool Super Frost Colton said and Wyatt said I is Super Cool Super Frost.

  Spring is in the air and the snow Frost family perants are melting. Wyatt and Colton talk with Super Fros telling Super Frost you must figure out something or people will figure you are unique, diffrant, alive and would take you away with them. Super Frost father said they are right son you must turn into a mist and remember all the other things we learned this winter your mother and I love you Super Frost we will see you next winter son his mouth melting away and Super Frost father could no longer talk. So super Frost said Ok dad I love you and Mom to turning into a mist and floting up lifting like a fog. See you Wyatt and Colton see you next year if I can. Ok Super Frost we hpoe you can come back next year and up and away Super Frost goes off on an unknown adventure.

  Super Frost up in the sky just flosting with the wind and learning to fly, to move in any direction he wants to. Super Frost also learns he can be anything water can be and still fly. Super frsot turns to sleet rain ice fog hail stones of any size, mist,cloud scolding hot water and enven make lightning strik when his was a cloud. Super Frost like floating and looking down on the earth. Super Frost floated over a big little city in northern Nevada looking down at the city seeing trouble below not sure what he will do but he felt the need to do something. Super Frost turns into an icicle and speeds toward the ground. Sticking into the ground right in front of a man that was fleeing a robbery he had just committed at the Pepermill and shooting his pistol in the air.

  Super Frost new he must stop this man before he heart someone. The robber was running away fast when the icicle Super Frost suck into the ground right in front of the robber. The robber hit the icicle Super frost at full speed the icicle knocked the robber back and it knocked the robber out. The police moved in and hand cuffed the robber. When the police looked at the Icicle it looked like it was smiling at them, then the icicle turns into a mist and and up it went like a fog lifting only lighting fast or as fast it had come down

  Super Frost now knows what his calling is. It is to help others in need to try and stop the bad to do good when and where he could.

  Now flying above the biggest little city Super Frost sees 2 boys playing on a football field kicking field goals and a smaller boy was chacing the football down. Marc the kicker Andy the holder and Jordan was the little boys name. Soon Super Frost found himself wanting to play with these kids and decided to talk to the boys. Hey boys can I play with you. Marc Andy and Jordan looked around seeing nothing Marc said sure you can play but where are you. I am up here up above you. The boys look up and say what the heck, Super frost said no my name is Super Frost is your last name Kovich. Yes it is Super Frost how did you know our last name. I heard your cousins talking about you and they decribed you guys to a tee. What cousins talked about us Andy asked Super Frost.Wyatt, Colton, Megan and Jade they are the kids that created me last winter. Oh that is cool Andy said come down and join us Super Frost. Super Frost did join the boys he even gave them a ride and had loads of fun. Then Super Frost told the boys he must leave and would see them again soon. Ok the boys said we will see you soon and we will be looking for you.

  Super frost flew off up into the sky as if he were Superman.

  Super Frost heard something and this is what made him leave the 3 boys. Flying over what Super Frost had heard to investigate this noise. Up near Skivista and Panther roads the police where chasing a car and the people where shooting there guns at the police car. Kids were up at the cross walk Super frost needed to do something fast Super Frost turned to water spread across the roadway and turned to ice the bad guys hit the ice and went off the road into a field and got stuck Super Frost then turns to thin air and fly to the car in the field and freezes the bad guys guns. The police car stops just intime not to hot the kids in the cross walk.

  The police jumped out of the police car and ran over to the bad guys and arrested them. The bad guys did not put up a fight there guns where frozen and did now work. No one was hurt at Skyvista and Panther roads that day thanks to Super Frosts quick thanking and Super actions.

  Super Frost flew back up to the football field and heard the 3 boys talking about him The boys said Super Frost shure is cool and so much fun shure hope we see him again and that he can play and teach us more about football, we betteer get home it is almost dark Marc said. Super Frost fallowed the 3 boys home. Then Super Frost flew straight up again and stopped

  Looking around Super Frost could see the ocean and many cities and few to each one in a mater of a few seconds. Seattle Wasington, Portland Oragon, Salt Lake city Utah, Los Angeles California, Las Vegas Nevada. And many more smaller cities in between the larger cities

  Super Frost he could be anywhere in an instant and would not worry how he was going to help so many places.

  The End

; [email protected] If you woud like to send in pictures you collor of Super Frost and you doing something where you live. [email protected]